Friday, July 18, 2008

18th July 2008/18th July 1936

It's really dissapointing that a day like today I haven't seen in the digital editions of the Spanish newspapers or TV programmes any news or comments about the coup d'etat Franco and his comrades made 72 years ago.

I mean it, nor positive or negative, it seems that Spanish society has forgotten here we had a war between brothers, friends, families, that an amount of nearly 500 000 people died, that a democracy failed and a dictator ruled this country for nearly 40 years, with people in jail for their ideas, with thousands of Spanish leaving the country that never returned, etc. How can anyone mantain in the oblivion these things?

I will never forget this day. I will never forget that my grandfather, among other relatives, fought in this war, that for being in the side that lost the war my grandfather had to run away to France without anything, to be se
ttled in a refugee campsite where the Spanish were treated as dogs, leaving his wife here, hoping no one would take reprisals on her or his family... I will never forget he was imprisoned not only for his ideas, just for the fact of crossing the border to France escaping from Death, the one that found all those whose corpses were left on the ditches where they rest even today.

I will never forget that the names of the rebels are still honoured as
heroes, as people who did good to the community, because they didn't, they were just killers, assassins, friends of Hitler and Mussolini, dictators who doesn't have the same honours in their countries because it would be a nonsense.

Maybe we lost the war, maybe you ruled this country with our blood as a flag. This national flag, made from the blood from the lifes you took and the gold you earned with all this massacre. But , after all, we finally have won, the democracy you took us away is back. Probably it's not perfect, but it's the best we have. Our Republic separated the Church from the power and the education, it gave the power and the freedom to women to vote before many historical democracies.

Probably that war was impossible to avoid, but I like to dream with another result, that we won that nonsense, that we progressed in hands with the losers, That our country advanced faster that we did, gaining positions in the free world, that we helped our brothers in South America from the arms of fascism.This could have happened, but you ruined it all.
We will never forget what happened here.

Por la III
República. Por la recuperación de nuestra memoria, de nuestra dignidad. Vencereis pero no convencereis. // Towards the 3rd Republic, for our memories, for our dignity. You can defeat us, but you'll never rule in our heads and hearts.

No pasarán

Franco ... el sapo iscariote y ladrón en la silla del juez repartiendo castigos y premios,
en nombre de Cristo, con la efigie de Cristo prendida del pecho,
y el hombre aquí, de pie, firme, erguido, sereno,
con el pulso normal, con la lengua en silencio,
los ojos en sus cuencas y en su lugar los huesos ...
El sapo iscariote y ladrón repartiendo castigos y premios ...
y yo, callado, aquí, callado, impasible, cuerdo ...
(León Felipe)

And Franco is still Favourite Son of Alicante, until when we have to tolerate this, Alperi?

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